Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM)
LISTEN: Laslo & Heinrich (& Sen. Susan Collins)
Ask a Pol asks:
What is your position on the SAFER Banking Act?
Key Heinrich:
“But you need certainty in those kinds of financial situations,” Sen. Martin Heinrich exclusively told Ask a Pol. “That’s what we ought to be providing.”
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Caught our ear:
“I wouldn't move that kind of cash without an armored car,” Heinrich told us.
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sens. Martin Heinrich (D-NM), slightly edited for clarity.
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TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Martin Heinrich
SCENE: After hopping the tram from his office to the US Capitol, Sen. Martin Heinrich’s greeted by Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo. The two proceed to talk as they walk through the basement until they hop an elevator occupied by Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) — who Laslo proceeds to interview as well.
Matt Laslo: “Do you know where you are on SAFER Banking?”
Martin Heinrich: “Yes, favorable.”
ML: “Yeah? What do you think of the DEA moving on it, like does that take some leverage away from you all who want…?”
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MH: “I don't think so. I mean, it’s something that — I mean it's good to have, like, incremental progress on this stuff.”
ML: “Yeah?”
MH: “But you need certainty in those kinds of financial situations.”
ML: “Yeah?”
MH: “That’s what we ought to be providing. There's a lot of public safety problems with having…”
ML: “All cash?”
MH: “…a bunch of cash. I’ve talked to these folks in New Mexico — cause we’ve had medical [marijuana] for a long time and got recreation a couple years ago — and it just attracts really bad elements to have that kind of…”
ML: “Well, in Colorado and stuff they have like armored cars, or those groups like C or whatever.”
MH: “Yeah. I wouldn't move that kind of cash without an armored car.”
ML: “That's literally creating a public health issue. That’s interesting.”
Susan Collins: “That’s an interesting conversation to drop into.”
Aide: “She was asking all about cannabis and…”
ML: “You’re still supportive of SAFER Banking right?”
SC: “I am…”
Andrey Beregovskiy and Walken Whalen contributed to this report.
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